8. Q: Do I need to select a different mode when I start down stairs?

A: No! When the front skids "feel" a drop, the StairMaster automatically changes to a different operational phase to accommodate the stairs. The StairMaster also changes phase for climbing stairs when the rear skids "feel" a rising step.

9. Q: Why will the StairMaster be successful when other stair-climbing wheelchairs have failed?

A: The StairMaster will be suitable for more users, be more suitable for home access, and lower in price due to a larger user base. The user base will include those who use a manual wheelchair and power wheelchairs including Complex Rehab Technology. It will accommodate stair angles, slopes, doors widths, hall widths and stair landings commonly found in and around homes. It will resist unsafe obstacles. The StairMaster price can be lower because of economies of scale.

10. Q: How fast is it? How far can it go?

A: The production StairMaster will have speed of 4.5 miles per hour and projected range of twelve miles.
11. Q: Will Medicare/ insurance pay for it?

A: CMS and many third party payers only provide wheelchairs needed for MRADLs on PDAC coded wheelchair configurations purchased at competitive prices. However, in some states and rare cases, third party payers may consider additional functions when the device meets a medical need. A medical need might include meeting Mobility Related Activity of Daily Living (MRADL) or providing resistance to falls for one whose health is threatened by falls. Most likely, self-funding will be required for those who wish a better quality of life provided by increased mobility.

12. Q: Can the StairMaster stand?

A: No, but the production StairMaster seat height will be power adjustable for lowering the user's legs under a table, or raising seat height for approaching cabinets, stove top or to aid transfer to bed or toilet.

13. Q: I need special controls and seating supports. Can I get these in the StairMaster?

A: Yes, it can be fitted with CRT controls and seating.
Where would you go if your wheelchair could climb stairs?
StairMaster Wheelchair™
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